🏨Find hotels with specific web technology

An example use case where we search for hotels based in France that use specific web technologies.

Searching France-based hotel websites with contact forms for a mailing campaign

Imagine you are a startup that has developed a new AI tool for communication specifically between hotels and customers. The product is ready and you are about to win customers. You and your team have chosen France as your first target country. You need a list of hotels in France that have a website and already provide contact forms on the website (oldschool...exactly the customers who need your AI tool).

Let's take a look at how you can compile and download a list of such leads in a few minutes so that you can then import them into the CRM system of your choice.

1. After subscribing to webAI Lead you login with your credentials on dashboard.istari.ai

webAI Lead dashboard after login.

Search for "hotels"

We start simple and enter the search term "hotel" in the search bar and press enter.

Search bar

After a few seconds, we have the result: almost 978,570 companies mention this word on their website. The map shows the distribution of these firms, while the table on the right includes a preview.

Results based on search term

3. Filter for France

After clicking Show filters, you can easily filter our firm database based on various criteria. Using the Country drop-down menu, we can search for "France" and select it. The preview below the search filters indicates that this filter will reduce your search to 29,839 hits.

Country drop-down menu.

4. Add language-specific search terms

As we are looking for hotels specifically in France, it can be assumed that many of the websites will be exclusively in French. It therefore makes sense to add further search terms in the national language. Chain the individual search terms by just adding an optional keyword and pressing enter, so that a hit is generated if at least one of the terms occurs. We therefore found a good 15,000 additional hits with the French synonyms.

Search bar with chained search terms.

5. Restrict search results to companies with an email address

Since you are planning an email campaign, you will need an email address for each company. You can easily exclude those companies without an email by clicking Exclude companies without Email. You can do the same for companies without a phone number.

Exclude companies without Email.

6. Using negative keyword filters

You can also use the search bar to exclude companies that mention certain keywords on their websites. Suppose your product is not suitable for campgrounds: You could simply filter these using a blacklisted keyword. Just type "camping" into Add blacklisted keyword and press enter.

Add blacklisted keyword.

7. Filtering by website technologies

WebAI analyzes the technical framework of each individual company website and maps the used web technologies in the TechStack indicator. Here you will find an extensive list of technologies you can query.

To filter for a specific technology from the TechStack, simply use the "techstack" search bar in the filters. You can also query for the supercategories, e.g. "contact form". We will then search for all companies whose techstack column contains the word "contact form" with any characters before and after it.

Searching for TechStack.

We confirm our query by pressing the Enter key et voilà we have found 2,655 companies that match our search criteria: Hotels from France that have contact forms on their websites and have an email address. Now all you have to do is download the data.

Final search results.

8. Download your company short list

All you have to do now is click on the Download data button below the preview. Before receiving the file, you will see how many credits this will cost you and confirm that you want to download the data.

Downloading your company short list.

After downloading, you can open the downloaded file with Excel, for example, or import it directly into the CMS.

Last updated

istari.ai GmbH - Verantwortliche Dr. David Lenz, Dr. Jan Kinne und Robert Dehghan - Julius-Hatry-Straße 1 68163 Mannheim - Email: info@istari.ai - Telefon: 0621/72493433 - Amtsgericht Mannheim: HRB 733173