Find producers of heat pumps

An example use case where we search for firms from the energy sector that produce heat pumps and that are based in the German State of Baden-Württemberg.

Searching Hesse-based firms that produce heat pumps.

Imagine you are a public institution that wants to find all companies in a specific region that are producing heat pumps. You and your team have chosen the German state Baden-Württemberg as your first target region. Because you know that companies that sell solar panels often mention heat pumps but don’t produce them themselves you want to exclude these companies. We will search for German companies therefore we also use German words.

Let's take a look at how you can compile and download a list of such leads in a few minutes so that you can analyse and contact them immediately.

1. After subscribing to webAI Insights you login with your credentials on

2. Search for "wärmepumpe" and "hersteller" but not for "solar"

We start with entering the following search term "wärmepumpe" and "hersteller" and not "solar" in the filters and press enter. After a few seconds, we have the result: almost 4,400 companies mention this combination of words on the website.

3. Include energy indicator

To make sure that we find companies that engage in energy production/information we can use our AI. For this, you can select "Show advanced filters", which provides access to our ISTARI.AI intensity scores, e.g. on the topic of "energy". You can then select the category which should be included in your search, e.g. "high". After a few seconds, we have reduced our result to 1,000 companies.

4. Filter for Baden-Württemberg

Using the state option, we can select only firms located in "Baden-Württemberg". This will reduce our search results to 111 firms.

5. Results

Now, we have found all the firms that correspond to our criteria. We can inspect our results more closely on the interactive map on the left or in the preview table on the right. With this, all you have to do is download the data.

6. Download your company short list

All you have to do now is click on the Download data button below the preview. Before receiving the file, you will see how many credits this will cost you and confirm that you want to download the data.

After downloading, you can open the downloaded file with Excel, for example, or import it directly into the CMS.

Last updated GmbH - Verantwortliche Dr. David Lenz, Dr. Jan Kinne und Robert Dehghan - Julius-Hatry-Straße 1 68163 Mannheim - Email: - Telefon: 0621/72493433 - Amtsgericht Mannheim: HRB 733173