🇪🇺Administrative units
Each company is geocoded to the exact house number level and assigned to administrative units.
Availability: webAI Lead, webAI Insights
In order to be able to assign the companies to a geographical region, we use the so-called NUTS system of the European Union. This is a hierarchical structure of administrative units that is comparable across member states. Similar administrative divisions exist for the United States and Canada. To keep our data consistent, these have also been named NUTS levels, even though this system actually only exists for the European Union.
See also our coverage (number of companies per country).
NUTS Level | Column name | Description |
NUTS 0 | country | National states. |
NUTS 1 | state | Regions, federal states, provinces or territories. |
NUTS 2 | region | Departments, districts, metropolitan statistical areas. |
NUTS 3 | district | Counties, districts, cities. |
List of administrative units
Last updated