โ˜Ž๏ธContact Information

GDPR compliant phone numbers and e-mail addresses

Availability: webAI Lead, webAI Insights

ISTARI.AI uses GDPR-compliant approaches to collect, process and make available the publicly available contact information (i.e. self-published information) of companies. The following information is available:

Column nameDescription


Main contact e-mail address.


All e-mail addresses found on the respective website.


Main contact phone number.


All phone numbers found on the respective website.

Last updated

istari.ai GmbH - Verantwortliche Dr. David Lenz, Dr. Jan Kinne und Robert Dehghan - Julius-Hatry-StraรŸe 1 68163 Mannheim - Email: info@istari.ai - Telefon: 0621/72493433 - Amtsgericht Mannheim: HRB 733173