🔮Indicators overview
A brief overview of the available company information.
Each line in the table represents a company. Even when we talk about companies, we also mean other economic players such as universities, research institutes and associations. Our data is sourced from national commercial registers and other public sources. See country coverage for the number of companies per country.
Our central identifier for a company is the web address (domain). If several entries in a commercial register share a domain (e.g. in the case of companies from the same group of companies), we identify the company's headquarters and only keep this observation.
Note that not all of these columns are shown in the dashboard. However, you can extract all of the information when you download our data.
Colum name | Description |
| The main URL of the respective company. It is used as a unique identifier in our database. |
| True if the domain automatically redirects to another webpage. |
| Country (NUTS-0) where the firm is located. Official name (e.g. "Deutschland"). |
| English name of country (e.g . "Germany") |
| ISO code of the country. |
| State (NUTS-1) within the country. |
| NUTS code representing the state. |
| Region (NUTS-2) within the state. |
| NUTS code representing the region. |
| District or locality (NUTS-3) within the region. |
| Code representing the district. |
| Title provided in the HTML head of the company website. |
| Keywords provided in the HTML head of the company website. |
| Description provided in the HTML head of the company website. |
| Main contact e-mail address. |
| All e-mail addresses found on the respective website. |
| Main contact phone number. |
| All phone numbers found on the respective website. |
| All links to LinkedIn user profiles found on the respective website. |
| All links to LinkedIn company profiles found on the respective website. |
| All links to X/Twitter accounts found on the respective website. |
| All links to Facebook profiles found on the respective website. |
| Numerical engagement level of the firm in additive manufacturing. |
| Engagement level of the firm in additive manufacturing (very low, low, medium, high, very high). |
| Keywords potentially related to additive manufacturing on the respective website. |
| Number of individual hits per keyword from |
| Total number of |
| Numerical engagement level of the firm in artificial intelligence. |
| Engagement level of the firm in artificial intelligence (very low, low, medium, high, very high). |
| Keywords potentially related to artificial intelligence on the respective website. |
| Number of individual hits per keyword from |
| Total number of |
| Numerical engagement level of the firm in blockchain technology. |
| Engagement level of the firm in blockchain technology (very low, low, medium, high, very high). |
| Keywords potentially related to blockchain technology on the respective website. |
| Number of individual hits per keyword from |
| Total number of |
| Numerical engagement level of the firm in digital health technologies |
| Engagement level of the firm in digital health technologies (very low, low, medium, high, very high). |
| Keywords potentially related to digital health technologies on the respective website. |
| Number of individual hits per keyword from |
| Total number of |
| True if the firm is actually just a domain provider. |
| Numerical engagement level of the firm in energy technologies. |
| Engagement level of the firm in energy technologies (very low, low, medium, high, very high). |
| Keywords potentially related to energy technologies on the respective website. |
| Number of individual hits per keyword from |
| Total number of |
| Numerical engagement level of the firm in mobility technologies. |
| Engagement level of the firm in mobility technologies (very low, low, medium, high, very high). |
| Keywords potentially related to mobility technologies on the respective website. |
| Number of individual hits per keyword from |
| Total number of |
| Numerical engagement level of the firm in ecological sustainability. |
| Engagement level of the firm in ecological sustainability (very low, low, medium, high, very high). |
| Keywords potentially related to ecological sustainability on the respective website. |
| Number of individual hits per keyword from |
| Total number of |
| Numerical probability of the company to be an innovator (Innoprob score). |
| Probability of the company to be an innovator (Innoprob score) (very low, low, medium, high, very high). |
| Numerical probability of the company to be an innovator (Social Innoprob score). |
| Probability of the company to be a social innovator (Social Innoprob score) (very low, low, medium, high, very high). |
| Probability of being a retailer. |
| Number of leisure activity facilities at the company location. |
| Number of recreational activity facilities at the company location. |
| Public transport capacity at the company location. |
| Number of cultural activity facilities at the company location. |
| Amount of precipitation at firm location. |
| Categorised amount of precipitation at firm location (very low, low, medium, high, very high). |
| Average temperature [°C] at firm location. |
| Categorised average temperature [°C] at firm location (very low, low, medium, high, very high). |
| Average concentration of sulfur dioxide at firm location. |
| Categorised average concentration of sulfur dioxide at firm location (very low, low, medium, high, very high). |
| Average concentration of nitrogen dioxide at firm location. |
| Categorised average concentration of nitrogen dioxide at firm location (very low, low, medium, high, very high). |
| Average concentration of aerosols at firm location. |
| Categorised average concentration of aerosols at firm location (very low, low, medium, high, very high). |
| Average concentration of methane at firm location. |
| Categorised average concentration of methane at firm location (very low, low, medium, high, very high). |
| Average concentration of carbon monoxide at firm location. |
| Categorised average concentration of carbon monoxide at firm location (very low, low, medium, high, very high). |
| Average concentration of formaldehyde at firm location. |
| Categorised average concentration of formaldehyde at firm location (very low, low, medium, high, very high). |
| Average concentration of ozone at firm location. |
| Categorised average concentration of ozone at firm location (very low, low, medium, high, very high). |
| Sum of normalised air pollutant concentrations at firm location. |
| Categorised air quality indicator (very low, low, medium, high, very high). |
| Incoming and outgoing hyperlinks to and from the respective website. |
| Number of incoming and outgoing hyperlinks to and from the respective website. |
| Outgoing hyperlinks from the respective website. |
| Number of outgoing hyperlinks from the respective website. |
| List of incoming hyperlinks to the respective website. |
| Count of incoming hyperlinks to the respective website. |
| List of website technologies used on the website. |
| The value in this column is |
| Point coordinates of firm location in well-known text (EPSG: 4326) format. |
| Longitude of firm location (EPSG: 4326) |
| Latitude of firm location (EPSG: 4326) |
Last updated